Finally, dangerous Oracle bug fixed after several years in the wild
Almost three years ago a serious bug was found in Oracle 19c by one of my colleagues, who is a brilliant COBOL programmer. Due to this bug, it happens that bytes not representing numeric values are stored in number columns. In some cases these bytes are converted to bytes representing another valid number . Let me give you an example: Your COBOL code intends to store the digit nine in a number columm. By accident (bug in your code / unexpected data pattern) a non numeric value is sent to the database and digit three gets stored. Now you might think COBOL? What do I have to do with COBOL? Before you quit reading : COBOL RUNS THE WORLD! Many people are not aware of that fact that billions of code lines are still in productive use every day. Here is a link to an interesting article about that topic: COBOL in 2023 As soon as we discovered the bug, we reported it to Oracle. Finally this month patches were announced. ...